Japanese vocabulary

Work is an essential part of our lives. This time I have made a list of Japanese ...

Japanese vocabulary

This time, I will introduce the names of each type of shape in Japanese! In ever ...

Japanese vocabulary

This time I made a list of Japanese colors. By learning the names of these color ...

Adjective,Japanese vocabulary

This time I made a list of adjectives for the opposite words, so please remember ...

11/20/2020Japanese vocabulary

There are many reasons why you may need to know the names of different foods whe ...

Japanese vocabulary

I've made a list of animals you can buy at home to help you study. 犬いぬ (inu) Dog ...

Japanese vocabulary

This time I made a list of vegetables to help you learn Japanese. トウモロコシ (toumor ...

Japanese vocabulary

I've made a list of Japanese fruits to help you with your Japanese language stud ...

Japanese vocabulary

I've made a list of farm and domestic animals that you can use to help you learn ...

Japanese vocabulary

I've made a list of wild animals, which you can use to help you study Japanese. ...